Second "Tillard Chair" lecture on the "Ut unum sint" encyclical
On Friday 15 November 2019, Dr Maria Voce, President of the Focolare Movement, will speak at the second lecture of the 2019–2020 cycle of public lectures of the “Tillard Chair”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the encyclical Ut unum sint.
The lecture, entitled "Ut unum sint e i nuovi movimenti ecclesiali: il carisma dell’unità”, ("Ut unum sint and the New Ecclesial Movements: The Charism of Unity"), will be held in the Minor Room of the Angelicum from 5.30–7.00 pm.
The cycle of lectures on “The Encyclical Ut unum sint: Between Prophecy and Realty. 25 Years After” has been jointly organized by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Institute of Ecumenical Studies of the Angelicum within the context of the 'Ut unum sint' course now available at the Institute. Delivered by distinguished ecumenists and professors of various Churches, the 'Ut unum sint' course provides ongoing formation in ecumenism.
The “Tillard Chair”, dedicated to ecumenism, was inaugurated by Cardinal Walter Kasper in 2003 at the Angelicum in honour of the renowned French theologian and ecumenist Jean–Marie Tillard, OP (1927–2000).