Fraternal delegates at the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region
Following a longstanding tradition dating from the Second Vatican Council, a group of fraternal delegates from the other Christian communities took part in the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region (6-27 October 2019). The delegates, coming from Brazil, Colombia and Perù, nearly all undertake their ecclesial work in the Pan–Amazon Region. All define themselves as “Evangelical”. The majority of these delegates are pastors: one Lutheran, two Anglicans (a minister and a lay person), a Presbyterian, a Baptist and a pastor from the Assemblies of God (a Pentecostal delegate took part for the first time in a Synod of Bishops). Below is the list of the fraternal delegates and some of the texts of their presentations given to the General Secretariat of the Synod.
Pastor Pedro Arana Quiroz, Presbyterian Church (Perù), Founding member of the Latin American Theological Fraternity (FTL)
Professor Moab César Carvalho Costa, Assemblies of God (Brazil), member of the Latin American Network of Pentecostal Studies (RELEP)
Pastor Edgar Castaño Díaz, Baptist (Colombia), President of the Evangelical Confederation of Colombia (CEDECOL)
Mr Daniel dos Santos Lima, lay person of the Anglican Community of Manaus, Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (Brazil)
Reverend Cláudio Correa de Miranda, Anglican, Vice-coordinator of the Amazonian Council of Christian Churches (CAIC), Anglican Church (Brazil)
Reverend Nicolau Nascimento de Paiva, Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IELB), Coordinator of the Amazonian Council of Christian Churches (CAIC, Brazil)