Course on Pentecostals in Italy
A meeting was held in live streaming on 6 April on the theme “Conoscere per meglio amare” (Understanding in order to love better) within the framework of the course on Pentecostals organized by the Italian zone of the Focolare Movement in collaboration with Centro “Uno”.
From the ecumenical perspective, Monsignor Juan Usma, of the PCPCU, referred to the importance and the characteristics of the international Catholic‒Pentecostal dialogue and Margaret Karram, President of the Focolare Movement, offered thoughts on unity. Various testimonies were presented regarding local initiatives in Italy between Pentecostals and members of the Focolare Movement, together with the experience of a Pentecostal member of the Focolare, originally from Venezuela and now in Budapest.
The Pentecostal representatives briefly outlined the history of Pentecostalism at the worldwide level and in Italy, as well as the main features of their spirituality and faith. Within this context, presentations were made by Pastor Carmine Napolitano, President of the Federation of Pentecostal Churches; Pastor Lirio Porrello (Church of the Word of Grace); Pastor Mauro Adragna (Church of Reconciliation); Pastor Mimmo Lapi (Pilgrim Church); followed by the testimonies of Pastor Sandro Oliveri and Daniela Adragna (Church of the Word of Grace) and Rosy and Roberto Recupero (Pentecostal Church of “Sharing Jesus”).