Homilies | 2023
Freude - Notenschlüssel der Neuen Evangelisierung [DE]
(Haus Sankt Ulrich, Augsburg, 16 December 2023)
La credibile eredità di Santa Brigida di Svezia [IT]
(Homily for the Ecumenical Celebration of Vespers for the 650th anniversary of the death of Saint Brigid of Sweden | Saint Peter's Basilica, 10 October 2023)
Nello Spirito di Sant'Agostino, servire la parola vivente di Dios [IT]
(Homily for the Dei Verbum Festival, San Remo, 28 August 2023)
L'incoraggiamento al martirio e la sua consolazione cristiana [IT]
(Homily for the Liturgical Commemoration of the Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide | Basilica of St. Bartholomew on the Tiber Island, Rome, 27 April 2023)
Cardinal Koch visits Germany
(Homily at the Loccum Monastery, Germany, 13 March 2023)