"Day of Judaism" in Italy
Tradizioni, valori e impegni comuni
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2023)
L'interpretazione delle Sacre Scritture secondo la Tradizione ebraica e cristiana
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2022)
Combattere insieme l'antisemitismo
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2021)
Eredità comune, valori condivisi
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2020)
I Segnali sul cammino del dialogo ebraico-cattolico
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2019)
Il dialogo ebraico-cattolico: la partecipazione dell'ebraismo ortodosso
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2018)
Tre Papi in dialogo con l'ebraismo
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2017)
Papa Francesco nella Sinagoga di Roma e la Dichiarazione conciliare "Nostra aetate" (n. 4)
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2016)
Un motivo di gioia; cinquant'anni di dialogo tra la Chiesa e l'ebraismo
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2015)
Il nuovo impulso fornito dal dialogo ebraico-cattolico da Papa Francesco
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2014)
Ebrei e Cristiani insieme come testimoni del Dio unico
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2013)
Il dialogo con l'ebraismo: amicizia e crescente fiducia
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2012)
I nostri Padri nella fede
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2011)
Papa Benedetto XVI nella Sinagoga di Roma
(Revd Fr Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2010)
Jüdisch-katholischer Dialog als Herzensanliegen
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2009)
Il dialogo con gli ebrei: alle radici della fede cristiana
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2008)
Rapporti Religiosi con l'Ebraismo: un legame particolare
(Revd Fr. Norbert Hofmann, SDB, Secretary for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews | L'Osservatore Romano, 17 January 2007)