Conferences | 2022
L'Eucarestia come Fonte e Culmine della Vita Presbiteriale [IT]
(Conference for the meeting of Spirituality for the Clergy of the Archdiocese of Florence | 23 November 2022)
Il significato del primo Concilio Ecumenico a Nicea nell'anno 325 per noi oggi [IT]
(Presentation for priests, religious and lay people of Archdiocese of Belgrade | Belgrade, 27 October 2022)
Una data comune di Pasqua? [IT]
(Presentation during international meeting of World Religions for Peace 'The Cry for Peace'| Rome, 24 October 2022)
The Church as Communion in the Theological Vision of Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI
(Lecture at the International Conference of the Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI Foundation at the Franciscan University of Steubenville | Ohio, 20 October 2022)
Prolusione per l'inaugurazione dell'Anno accademico alla Pontificia Facoltà di Teologia Theresianum [IT]
(Rome, 4 October 2022)
L’identità spirituale del vescovo in una Chiesa sinodale [IT]
(Presentation at annual course for formation of new bishops organized by Dicastery for Bishops as part of spiritual retreat “Episcopal Holiness in the Catholic Communion” | Rome, 7 September 2022)
Ökumenische Herausforderungen in Europa
(Graz, 10 June 2022)
Wo Steht die Ökumene heute?
(Lecture at Doctor Honoris Causa award ceremony, Faculty of Theology, University of Opole, Poland | 3 June 2022)
Ökumene als Irreversibler weg der Kirche: Die Leidenschaft von Johannes Paul II. für die Einheit der Christen
(Faculty of Theology, University of Opole, Poland | 2 June 2022)
La dimensione ecumenica nell'ecclesiologia di Joseph Ratzinger-Benedetto XVI
(Rome, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross | 31 March 2022)
Le scommesse ecumeniche della questione del sacerdozio
(Conferenza per il Simposio 'Per una teologia fondamentale del sacerdozio' | Roma, 18 febbraio 2022)