Acta Œcumenica 2021
Acta Œcumenica 2021 is now available and can be consulted online as well as ordered in print format through the Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV).
This issue, which opens with a tribute to the late Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy, former President of the PCPCU, presents the ecumenical initiatives of the Holy See during the year 2021, in particular the resumption of the apostolic journeys of Pope Francis (Iraq, Hungary, Slovakia, Cyprus and Greece), the return to normal of many activities of the Dicastery, as well as important ecumenical visits to Hungary and Iraq made by Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Dicastery.
Acta Oecumenica is the journal of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Founded in 2020, it continues from Information Service/Service d'Information, the bulletin published by the Dicastery since 1967, the archives of which are available online.
The paper version of the journal is available by yearly subscription (€38). The Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV) coordinates distribution. Contact: