Cardinal Kurt Koch attends Fifth World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem

28 Jan 2020

The Fifth World Holocaust Forum held on 23 January at Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem was attended by Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, who led on behalf of Pope Francis the delegation of the Holy See. The event commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz–Birkenau was attended by about 50 world leaders.

Pope Francis sent a message that was included in the publication issued for the occasion entitled “Remembering the Holocaust: Fighting Antisemitism”, which was the theme of the Forum. In his message, the Holy Father reiterated that it is his “fervent hope that by continued vigilance and positive education, the iniquities perpetrated during one of the darkest periods in our history will be eliminated from the face of the earth”.

In speaking to Vatican News, Cardinal Koch reaffirmed that the Catholic Church is called in a special way to deepen the common heritage with Judaism, the common traditions and the shared values. He also recalled the milestone document Nostra aetate of the Second Vatican Council which opened a new era in Christian–Jewish dialogue.


Photo © ANSA