Statement of Pope Francis included in the volume “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism” issued at the World Holocaust Forum

23 January 2020


On the occasion of the seventy–fifth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz–Birkenau concentration camp, as the world recalls the horrors unleased during the Second World War, the present volume “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism” provides a timely encouragement to renewed impetus in the fight against antisemitism. All forms of hatred are anathema to both right reason and genuine religious belief, yet tragically, even in our own time, persecution continues to disfigure and damage the human family, created in the image and likeness of God (cf. Gen 1:26–27).

I express my fervent hope that by continued vigilance and positive education, the iniquities perpetrated during one of the darkest periods in our history will be eliminated from the face of the earth. Reiterating the Holy See’s commitment to pursing the path of friendship between all, I appeal to men and women of good will everywhere to remain steadfast in efforts for promoting dialogue, mutual understanding and human fraternity as the basis of lasting peace in our world (cf. Document on Human Fraternity, 4 February 2019).