In memoriam Father Thomas Francis Stransky, CSP

4 Sep 2019

2019 09 Stransky

It is with great sadness that the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity has learned of the death on 3 September of Father Thomas Francis Stransky, a priest of the Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle. Father Stransky was the last surviving member of the original Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity established by Saint Pope John XXIII on 5 June 1960. He played a role in the drafting of three documents of the Second Vatican Council: Unitatis redintegratio, Nostrae aetate and Dignitatis humanae. A pioneering figure in Catholic ecumenism, Father Stransky and his colleagues in the Secretariat for Promotin g Christian Unity laid the foundations that continue to guide and inspire this Pontifical Council, and for which we remain profoundly grateful.

Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Dicastery, addressed a letter of condolence to Very Reverend Father Eric Andrews, CSP, President of the Paulist Fathers.


Pope John XXIII with Cardinal Bea, then Monsignor Willebrands, Father Stranksy (right) and Monsignor Arrighi (left)

Father Stransky (right) with Pope Saint John XXIII and the first staff of the Secretariat: Cardinal Bea, Msgr Willebrands and Msgr Arrighi