Ecumenical dimension of the Apostolic Constitution In Ecclesiarum Communione

9 Jan 2023

The new Apostolic Constitution In Ecclesiarum Communione on the Ordering of the Vicariate of Rome, published by Pope Francis on January 6, 2023, mentions the "unique vocation" of the Church in Rome on the ecumenical journey.

The Holy Father Pope Francis, in the Preamble of the Apostolic Constitution, affirms that:

"By her own unique vocation, the Church in Rome cannot fail to take to heart the journey towards full and visible Christian unity. The ecumenical goal, which does not depend on contingent choices or initiatives but on the very will of Christ, on faith in him and on the Baptism that unites Christians, represents a primary commitment of the diocese. It must be nourished by mutual knowledge, mutual charity, the exchange of gifts, collaboration with sisters and brothers of other Christian confessions" (art. 10).

The Preamble also declares that "the Church of Rome, faithful to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, will continue to promote and foster friendship and dialogue with the Jewish community of Rome, one of the oldest in the world" (art.11).