Holy Father receives delegation of World Jewish Congress

24 Nov 2022

On 22 November, Pope Francis received in private audience a delegation of the World Jewish Congress comprising some 130 participants visiting Rome for the organization’s Executive Committee Meeting.

In his address to the participants, the Holy Father mentioned in particular the question of peace, which is threatened or seriously undermined in so many parts of the world. “Yet [this does] not have the final word”, recalled Pope Francis. “The faithful promise of the Eternal One speaks to us of a future of salvation, of new heavens and a new earth … where peace and joy will have dwell secure”.  However, peace must not remain an otherworldly promise, continued the Holy Father, “but become a present reality in our world. … [O]ur political, cultural and social initiatives to better the world … will never prove successful without prayer and without fraternal openness to other creatures in the name of the one Creator, who loves life and blesses those who are peacemakers”.

On the same day in the Synod Hall, Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the DPCU, was invited to address the participants attending the meeting.

The World Jewish Congress, founded in Geneva in August 1936 as a non-governmental international federation of Jewish communities and organizations, has the institutional aim of representing and defending the interests above all of the members of the Jewish Diaspora, but also those living in Israel.


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