Cardinal Koch at inauguration of academic year of Theresianum Pontifical Faculty of Theology

5 Oct 2022

The academic year of the Theresianum Pontifical Faculty of Theology was inaugurated on Tuesday 4 October. Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (DPUC), was invited to deliver the opening lecture [IT]. In his presentation entitled “Prayer, the Soul of Theology and Ecumenism”, he stressed that the task of theology, which is to keep alive the passion and sensitivity towards the question of God in society and in the Church today, could not be accomplished without the search for ecumenical communion. The Prefect of the DPCU recalled that “prayer for unity must be at the center of any ecumenical effort and, consequently, ecumenism and spirituality are inseparably linked”.

The conference can be accessed in streaming here.