Message of Pope Francis to Synod of Methodists and Waldensians in Italy

23 Aug 2021

On 22 August 2021, Pope Francis sent a message to the participants of the Synod of the Methodist and Waldensian Churches, held 22-25 August in Torre Pellice, in the province of Turin, headquarters of the Waldensian Table. The message, signed by the Secretary of State, was addressed to Bishop Derio Olivero, Bishop of Pinerolo and President of the Episcopal Commission for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the Italian Episcopal Conference. The 2021 Synod will focus on the impact of the pandemic and on post-pandemic tasks, and on the role of young people.

The Methodist and Waldensian churches in Italy have undersigned since 1975 an agreement of integration with a single synod expressing the unity of the churches, based on the representativeness of all the ecclesial components (pastors, lay people, deacons, leaders).

Deacon Alessandra Trotta, moderator of the Waldensian Table, speaking of synodality stated: "The National Synod has all the tasks: maximum authority in doctrinal, legislative, jurisdictional and government matters.  The National Synod tackles the most relevant themes of Church life on which a common position is required. It is sanctioned by the will of the local churches to submit to the conviction that arises from the synodal exchange."


Photo: Pastoral visit of Pope Francis to the Waldensian Temple of Turin, 22 June 2015 © Servizio Fotografico - Vatican Media