Christian Federation of Malaysia
On 4 June 2019, Cardinal Kurt welcomed a delegation of leaders of the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) at the office of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
The CFM represents 95% of Christians in the country, and includes members from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Malaysia, the Council of Churches of Malaysia and the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship.
During the encounter, in which some officials of the Dicastery also took part, there was an exchange on the current situation of the ecumenical commitment at both the international and local levels. Family closeness, joyful cooperation on religious and civil questions, and mutual support in facing diverse challenges in Malaysia all testify to the fact that "ecumenical cooperation is a true school of ecumenism, a dynamic road to unity" (Ut unum sint, 40).
Members of the delegation
- Bishop Dr ONG Hwai Teik (Methodist Church)
- Archbishop NG Moon Hing (Anglican Communion)
- Bishop Aaron YAP (Lutheran Church)
- Bishop Danald JUTE (Anglican Communion)
- Revd George HARRISON (Catholic Church)
- Revd Dr Ezra KOK (Methodist Church)
- Major LEE Kong Yee (Salvation Army)
- Ms Rita WONG (Catholic Church)
- Mr Arokiadass ANTHONYSAMY (Catholic Church)
- Mr TAN Kong Beng, CFM Executive Secretary
- Mrs TAN Kong Beng
- Mrs NG Moon Hing
- Mrs ONG Mun Kean
- Mrs Carmelita ANTHONYSAMY
- Mrs Aaron YAP
- Mrs Julita JUTE
- Mrs Ezra KOK
Major CHANG, wife of Major LEE Kong Yee, took part in the meeting but is not in the photo.