Delegation of Orthodox Rabbi Conference of Germany
On Wednesday, 16 January 2019, on the eve of the 30th Day of Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Cardinal Kurt Koch received a delegation of the Orthodoxe Rabbinenkonferenz Deutschland (Orthodox Rabbi Conference of Germany) at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity to discuss the relationship between the Catholic Church and Judaism, especially the document “The Gifts and the Calling of God are Irrevocable” published in 2015. The members of the delegation were later received by His Holiness Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. That same evening, the German Ambassador to the Holy See hosted a dinner in honour of the delegation. The delegation comprised Rabbis Zsolt Balla, Yehuda Pushkin, Yehoshua Ahrens, Avraham Radbill as well as Arie Folger (Chief Rabbi of Vienna).
An interview with the Rabbis can be found on Vatican News.