Chairwoman of the German National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation visits DPCU

16 Apr 2024

On 16 April 2024, the new Chairwoman of the German National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation (GNC/LWF), Bishop Kristina Kühnbaum-Schmidt, paid her inaugural visit to Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (DPCU). She was accompanied by Oberkirchenräte Dr Oliver Schuegraf and Norbert Denecke.

In an intensive exchange with Cardinal Koch and Father Dr Augustinus Sander OSB, DPCU official responsible for relations with the Lutherans, current challenges of Catholic-Lutheran dialogue at national and international level were discussed.

The meeting at the DPCU was followed by an ecumenical prayer with an Easter baptismal commemoration in the church at Campo Santo Teutonico.

The GNC/LWF represents the global Lutheran communion in Germany, coordinates the contributions of the 11 German member churches to the LWF, and supports the LWF in its theological, missionary and diaconal work.