Message of Pope Francis to 11th Assembly of WCC

2 Sep 2022

On Thursday 1 September 2022, during the first thematic plenary focused on Care for Creation, Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, greeted the 11th WCC Assembly on behalf of the Catholic delegation and delivered a message of the Holy Father. In his short address preceding the reading of Pope Francis’s message, Cardinal Koch focused on the relations of the Catholic Church with the WCC. He remarked that since the time of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church has developed a multiform collaboration with the WCC in different areas of ecumenism including spirituality, doctrinal dialogue, pastoral live, practical activity and cultural projects.

In his letter, written in Spanish ‒ “language of heart of Pope Francis”, as remarked Reverend Ioan Sauca, Acting Secretary General of the WCC when receiving the letter ‒ the Holy Father offered the assurance of his pastoral interest in the work of the Assembly and expressed his aspiration that it may lead to strengthening the bonds of communion between the churches and the ecumenical organisations taking part. He underlined that in a world plagued by injustice, conflict and division, the theme “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity” is a timely invitation to all Christians to work together for greater closeness and unity of the world.


Translations courtesy WCC

Photos: Albin Hillert/WCC