Ecumenical commemoration of Saint Gregory of Narek

24 Feb 2022

On Monday 28 February 2022, an ecumenical commemoration of Saint Gregory of Narek will be held at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), under the patronage of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Congregation for Eastern Churches.

The event will commence at 5.00 pm in the Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus, with an ecumenical prayer co-chaired by Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Representative of the Armenian Apostolic Church to the Holy See. Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches, will deliver the homily.

The presentation of the book “From the Depths of the Heart” will follow in the Aula Minor of the Angelicum. After an introduction by Cardinal Kurt Koch, Professor Abraham Terian (New York), the book’s editor, will give a lecture entitled “The Sacramental Theology of Saint Gregory of Narek”.

The commemorative event has been organized by the Representation of the Armenian Apostolic Church to the Holy See, the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to the Holy See and the Institute for Ecumenical Studies of the Angelicum.