Visit of Kirchenrat Andris Kraulins

6 Nov 2021

On 27 October, Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU), received Kirchenrat Andris Kraulins from Riga for a personal meeting. As a close collaborator of Archbishop Janis Vanags, Kirchenrat Kraulins is responsible for the external relations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Latvia (ELCL). In the conversation with Cardinal Koch, which was also attended by Reverend Father Augustinus Sander, OSB, who is responsible for dialogue with the Lutherans in the PCPCU, Kirchenrat Kraulins reported on the increasing spiritual and theological importance of the Sacrament of the Altar in his church as well as on national and international ecumenical contacts of the ELCL.