Meeting of the Commission between the Catholic Church and Disciples of Christ
The International Commission for Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Disciples of Christ (Church of Christ) held its second introductory meeting online on the general theme “The Ministry of the Spirit” (2 Cor 3). This bilateral dialogue, which began in 1977 and is now in its sixth phase, aims at the restoration of full visible unity between Catholics and Disciples.
Co-presided by Bishop David Ricken, Diocese of Green Bay, WI, USA, and Reverend Robert Welsh, former secretary of the Commission for Christian Unity of the Disciples of Christ, USA, the meeting had on its agenda the analysis, discussion and acceptance of the proposed “Basic Outline”. This reference document outlines all the steps, timeframe, and themes to be studied in the newly inaugurated phase. To this end, presentations were made by Monsignor Juan Usma, PCPCU, Catholic Co-Secretary; Reverend Michael Witzcak, Catholic University of America, USA, and Reverend Tom Best, Disciples of Christ. After discussion some changes were made and a consensus was reached regarding the proposal, which has become the Basic Outline or roadmap of the Commission. At the end of the meeting, Reverend Paul Tche, Co-Secretary for the Disciples, provided information regarding the plenary session scheduled for June 2022 in Lexington, KT, USA.
The other Catholic participants are: Monsignor Michael Clay, Raleigh, USA; Dr Ian Boxall, CUA; Professor Elizabeth Groppe, University of Dayton, OH, USA; and Reverend Father Taras Khomych, Liverpool Hope University, UK.
The other Disciples of Christ participants are: Reverend Merryl Blair, University of Divinity, Australia; Reverend Noel Suministrado, Philippines; Reverend Geritza Olivella, Puerto Rico; and Reverend Newell Williams, Brite Divinity School, TX, USA.