Visit to Pontifical Council of Archabbot Cirill Hortobágyi, OSB

13 May 2021

On 12 May 2021, the President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Cardinal Kurt Koch, received the Archabbot of the Hungarian Benedictine Monastery of Pannonhalma, Cirill T. Hortobágyi, OSB. The meeting was also attended by Reverend Father László Simon, OSB, Professor of New Testament at the Pontifical Atheneum of Saint Anselm, and Reverend Father Augustinus Sander, OSB, staff member of the Pontifical Council.

The exchange reflected on the ecclesial and ecumenical situation in Hungary and the related activities of Pannonhalma Abbey. The meeting was connected with Cardinal Koch's trip to Pannonhalma and Budapest, which is planned for 7-10 June 2021. The programme of the visit will include numerous meetings with representatives of the Church, ecumenical community, university and state.