Visit of representatives of the Ecumenical Research Forum

17 Feb 2020

On February 7, Monsignor Juan Usma Gómez, Head of the Western Section of the Pontifical Council, met with representatives of the Executive Committee of the Ecumenical Research Forum at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. The Ecumenical Research Forum (ERF) is an international organization of young scholars dealing with Ecumenical Theology and Missiology. The Executive Committee consisted of four young students from major European Universities that held the responsibility to plan and coordinate the annual meetings. At present it is composed by two Catholics, Ms Vera La Mela (Finland, doctoral student at the University of Lund) and Sr Estelle M. Sogbou (France, professor at the Institute Teologique des Dombes), one Orthodox, Mr Nikolaos Amanatidis (Greece, PhD Student at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Tübingen, Germany) and one Protestant, Mr Quentin Milan-Laguerre (France, Institut Protestant de Théologie – Montpellier). The main topics of discussion in the meeting were the PCPCU’s activities, the current trends  and challenges of the ecumenical movement, as well as the role of new generations in promoting Christian unity.