This agreement between the Catholic Church and the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church on sharing of Sacred Places has been prepared taking into account the common profession of faith on the mystery of the Incarnate Word and the development in the understanding of the common faith in the mystery of the Church and the sacraments.
Churches are consecrated buildings which have an important theological and liturgical significance for both the Catholic Church and the Malankara Orthodox Church. However, if one of these two Churches does not have a place or the liturgical objects necessary for celebrating worthily the Eucharistic Liturgy, the diocesan bishop of the other Church may permit them the use of a church building of their own and also lend them what may be necessary for their services. Under similar circumstances, permission may be given for the sharing of the cemeteries, which are also sacred places.
The Joint International Commission for Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church proposes the following as guidelines for the sharing of the church buildings and cemeteries.
- Where a community of the Catholic/ Malankara Orthodox Syrian Christians of a particular place does not have a place for liturgical celebrations or cemetery for Christian burial, the parish priest of that community may request the use of such places from the Diocesan Bishop of the Church who owns such a place with the recommendation letter of his own diocesan bishop.
- Having made the necessary consultation with the parish priest and considering the local situation, the bishop may give the written permission indicating that this permission does not give any claim on the land.
- On the approval by the bishop, the local Parish Council/ Managing Committee has to prepare the relevant ‘terms and conditions’ considering all local impediments.
- The ‘terms and conditions’ have to get its prior approval from the concerned bishops on either side before being signed as an agreement.
- Since the issues related to burial could be sensitive professional legal advice may be taken while preparing the necessary ‘terms and conditions’. Because that issues related to burial could be more sensitive while preparing the necessary ‘terms and conditions’ professional legal advices should be taken.
- The minister of the funeral must be the minister of the Church of the deceased person. When the minister of his/her own Church is not available, the minister of the other Church is entitled to officiate the ceremony. The celebrant has to follow the liturgical rites of his Church.
- Post-funeral prayers in the cemetery shall be done without causing inconvenience to the parish to which the cemetery belongs.
- The formalities regarding the funeral and the erection of the tomb stone, cross etc. at the burial place must be in accordance with the norms of the parish community to whom the cemetery belongs.
- In the event of both the Churches lacking a burial site, both Churches could approach the local authorities for permission to secure a common cemetery
On behalf of the Joint International Commission for Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Signed by
His Excellency Kt. Rev. Brian Farrell His Grace Dr. Gabriel Mar Gregorios
Co-Chairman Co-Chairman
On 09 December 2010
Information Service 135 (2010/III-IV) 133