Other documents and events
Address of Cardinal Koch on third anniversary of meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill
(12 February 2019)
Address of Metropolitan Hilarion at the Synod of Bishops on Youth
(18 October 2018)
Address of Pope Francis to delegation of Moscow Patriarchate
(30 May 2018)
Relations between Orthodox and Greek Catholics in Ukraine
(Bari, Italy, 8 May 1997)
The Situation of Catholics of Eastern Rite in Western Ukraine
(Moscow, 17 January 1990)
The Diaconal Function of the Church, Especially in the Service of Peace
(Venice, Italy, 11-16 October 1987)
The Local Church and the Universal Church
(Odessa, Ukraine, 13-17 March 1980)
The Christian Proclamation of Salvation in a Changing World
(Trento, Italy, 23-28 June 1975)
The Church in a World in Transformation
(Zagorsk, URSS, 4-7 June 1973)
The Role of the Christian in the Developing Society
(Bari, Italy, 14 December 1970)
Statement of Leningrad Meeting on the Social Thought of the Roman Catholic Church
(Moscow, URSS, 15 December 1967)