Rome, Italy, 26 October 1971
After preliminary discussions an agreement has been reached between the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity of the Roman Catholic Church, some Pentecostal Churches and participants in the charismatic movement within the Protestant and Anglican Churches to enter into dialogue. This international dialogue extending over a period of five years will consist of yearly meetings during which the theological discussions will focus on the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian and the Churches. The conversations will direct their attention to both the experiential and theological dimensions of fullness of life in the Holy Spirit.
At the moment the public attention is on the spiritual renewal movements manifesting themselves in all the Churches and outside the Churches, an example of which is the Jesus Revolution. It was thought appropriate that the informal sharing in prayer and theological reflection which is taking place at the local level be reflected at the world level by an international dialogue.
The dialogue will explore, on the basis of the unity already existing, the life and spiritual experience of the various traditions. A special concern of the dialogue will be the manner in which fullness of life in the Holy Spirit finds expression in prayer, fellowship and service.
The dialogue hopes to elaborate the basis for a united Christian testimony, and to indicate in what manner the sharing of truth makes it possible for them to grow together. Also on the agenda are the areas of doctrinal differences. A major concern will be the mutual exchange of information as a means of eliminating misunderstanding.
The dialogue will not direct its attention to the problems of structural union, but to the issues of unity in prayer and common witness.
The first meeting of the dialogue, the participants in which have not yet been announced, will take place during June, 1972 in Zurich, Switzerland.
Rome, October 26, 1971.
[Information Service 16 (1972/I) 23]